Sheila – I can’t thank you enough around how well the session was facilitated. You were simply magnificent at observing the personalities in the room; guiding the discussion to ensure inclusion and helping us capture all the key nuggets from the key stakeholders in the room. Net/net….we walked away with tangible results and direction. Couldn’t have done that without you helping facilitate.
— Executive, Technology Company
You woke up something in me that had been resting comfortably for some time. So while I have moved the bar it is time to get back in the saddle and exercise where my experience and background can deliver extraordinary results. Once I reflected I was amazed at how little personal progress I had made expanding on my current capability in either breath or depth. I reached out to my former CEO and we had a long conversation and he provided guidance and a wonderful perspective.
So while I have been able to breeze comfortably that comfort left a huge void due to the very nature of my personality and the need to learn and grow. You HELPED me see that in a single conversation.
— Partner, Technology Company
Sheila has helped me setting up DPAC councils. She is really good at getting us to go deeper and improve relationships so quickly. I haven’t even touched the service of her expertise and abilities.
— Anonymous
The exercise of force ranking your values is very powerful and has me going. There’s a lot of self-examination going on inside me right now. This could not have happened at a better time.
— Director, Technology Company
I just want to thank you for your time and effort for the 3 days leadership program. I really enjoyed the program and the network. In fact I mostly enjoyed the case study in day 2 and 3. These are a good challenges and actual opportunities for us to step up as new leaders.
Thank again for a job well prepared.
— Chief Accounting Officer, Oil and Gas Company
I learn so much every time we meet. What a gift! Thank you.
— Leadership Team, Health Care
(Sheila) has helped me to consciously assess my approach in dealing with business issues. I am trying to deal with issues strategically rather than functionally.
Sheila gets my brain to think about things in a different way regarding my leadership and vision for my group.
Also she made me think of what I do well and recognize the skills that I should help teach to others – not used to thinking about myself in those terms.
The more personal or real relationships are and the more ownership there is of issues or tasks the greater change there is of success. Teams that have bonded, or where there are no hidden agendas or jealousy can make the greatest contributions.
— Anonymous