“Only in still water do we see the depth of our reflection” -Taoist Proverb
When was the last time you paused to truly reflect on and celebrate the unique impact you’ve made within your organization?
As the year draws to a close, it’s natural to turn our thoughts toward reflection—not just on the goals achieved or challenges faced, but on the quiet, profound ways we’ve grown as leaders. Leadership is often about guiding others, solving problems, and driving results, but this time of year offers a chance to pause and honor the less visible triumphs: the resilience cultivated, the wisdom gained, and the courage summoned in moments of uncertainty.
This reflection exercise is a celebration. I am not referring to external accolades, strategic goals, and milestones, but rather the internal strides you made as a leader. It’s about taking a moment to appreciate the lessons, strengths, and authentic ways you have given to others in the past 12 months. When you turn an appreciative lens on yourself, even just once a year, the rewards are infinite.
Set aside some time to answer the following questions:
- What drives me to show up and give my best every day at work?
- What aspects of my work light me up? Which parts give me energy, where I can pour my time and effort into them with passion and purpose?
- In what ways have I pushed boundaries or led with innovation in my field this year?
- How have my strengths shaped my impact this year? What moments made me feel like I was truly in my element?
- Without overthinking it, jot down as many positive things others have said about me this year. What kind of leader do they see in me?
- Reflecting on this past year, what leadership quality am I most proud of or find most rewarding?
- Whose voices do I listen to most within the organization, and what drives me to tune into them? Who am I ultimately serving through my leadership?
- How does my humanity show up in the way I lead? How do I bring my authentic self to my role?
- Does my leadership adapt to the world around me? Am I the same leader each day, or do I adjust based on circumstances? What events or challenges influence how I lead?
- Reflecting on the past year, what excites me most about the growth and direction of my leadership?
- What three words capture the essence of me as a leader?
- How does it feel to acknowledge my own contributions? What positive emotions arise when I reflect inward, and what obstacles or doubts surface when I do so?
My wish is that you will experience that rare feeling of overwhelming satisfaction, absent of striving and pushing. Feeling complete in your contributions this past year will give you the courage to begin again, with renewed purpose, as the new year dawns. This exercise is yours. It is just for you. However, if you choose to share your findings with someone you trust, a spouse, a coworker, or a coach, your momentum may benefit from inviting someone else to the party. One thing I know for sure, after working with such powerful committed leaders for so many years is that… the deeper you reflect, the greater your effect.
Click Here to request the above reflection exercise in a worksheet format you can use for yourself. Perhaps you may be inspired to share the exercise with others who would benefit from the gift of this reflection.
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